Pumpkin Roll With Cream Cheese Filling

Debbie Sandall's

Views: 21


Powdered Sugar (prep)
¾ c. flour
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. ground cloves
¼ tsp. salt
3 large eggs
1 c. sugar
2/3 c. canned pumpkin
1 c. chopped nuts (optional)

1 pkg. 8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 c. powdered sugar
6 Tbsp. butter/margarine, softened
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Powdered Sugar


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Grease large cookie sheet & line with wax paper. Grease and flour the wax paper. Sprinkle a towel with powdered sugar, set aside. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon, cloves, and salt in a small bowl, set aside. Beat eggs and sugar in a large mixing bowl until thick and then beat in pumpkin. Stir in flour mixture. Spread evenly over pan prepared with wax paper. Sprinkle with nuts if desired. Bake for 13–15 minutes or until top of cake springs back when touched lightly. Turn cake onto towel sprinkled with powdered sugar and carefully pull off wax paper. Rollup cake and towel together and cool on a wire rack. Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, butter & vanilla in a mixing bowl until smooth. Unroll cake and remove towel. Spread cream cheese mixture over cake and re–roll the cake, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for an hour, will be sticky. Sprinkle with powdered sugar when serving.