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2 eggs beaten
¼ tsp. salt
½ c. water
¾ –1 c. flour (enough to make a thick pancake batter)
Mix the 4 ingredients together. In a saucepan, boil some water. Drop little pieces (abt. 2 TBS.) of the batter into the boiling water. Scoop the dumplings out of the boiling water when they are cooked (abt. 1 minute or less) with a slotted spoon. Drain in a colander. Put the dumplings into a casserole dish with pieces of cheddar cheese mixed throughout it. Make croutons out of bread cut into pieces and fried in margarine. Put the croutons on top. Bake until the cheese melts. Serve with stewed or bottled tomatoes or salsa. This is an old recipe that Gramma Graf uses still and it is inexpensive and a good dinner or lunch when you add a salad and a vegetable. My older kids remember Gramma making it for them.