Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

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2 ½–3 lbs. whole chicken or chicken pieces
abt. 8 cups water (or just cover chicken with water)
1 celery stalk cut up
2 carrots cut up
1 small onion–cut up
2 tsp. salt
dash of pepper
Homemade noodles or from the store.


Put all ingredients except the noodles in a large covered pan and bring to boil and turn to lower heat and simmer until tender. (1–2 hrs.) Strain the broth into a pan. Take chicken off the bones & put carrots in a separate bowl. Heat broth to boiling and add noodles cooking until tender––DO NOT COVER. When noodles are done, add chicken, and carrots. Serve with homemade rolls or bread. (P.S. if you need more broth or it is not strong enough flavor—add a can of chicken broth or bouillon cubes. Homemade noodles recipe is below.